Thursday, July 22, 2010

Whats been up?

Ok, so I may have given in and reworked "Surviving The Storm" a little bit. Nothing big, just alot of refining and lighting tweaks. Did it need it? I think so. I'm much happier with it now. But thats the great thing about a personal piece. I can jump in with just a little sketch and see how it goes. Don't get me wrong there is that feeling of confidence that I love when you nail that final sketch and scan it/transfer it to board, that I would never trade for anything. But when your feeling burnt out and you just wanna have fun, sometimes taking a little sketch to finish is the better way to go.


  1. Yeah you needed it. It look great. My favorite piece of yours.

  2. That's amazing. Really great work.

  3. Yes! this turned out super awesome! the water is so nice, and you have really got the atmospheric perspective thing down.

  4. Thanks guys, I'm just glad after all that time to get it finished I don't hate looking at it haha.

  5. Dude...that is totally awesome. u=my giant squid hero. anyways, how have u been and what have u been up to besides making totally awesome kick*ss art with giant squids? In case if ur wondering, this is amanda from Groff's class

  6. whoa what a crazy awesome scene!
    the lighting is wonderful

  7. Our good .. I liked it a lot.
    my congratulations

    I hope we can keep in touch.
