Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Black Beard: The Legend of a Pirate

Behold my finished assignment for C.F. Payne. It's due tomorrow and I will be so glad to move on to the next project. I'm actually happy with this one though. For now.

On a worse note, I discovered what Payne really meant by "bad board" tonight. While doing his technique demo last Friday he talked about how the oil wash can horribly wrong when you have a board that will soak up and absorb the oils to the point that you can't pull it back up. Now that you understand the situation, lets say that I have a lot more work to do on my dentist piece for my other studio class. Wish me luck.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Dentist

Here is an update on the other stuff I've got going on. This is just the color study for the editorial project we got for professional practice. It will be traditional in the end done 11x14. I really need to get cracking on this one.

ALSO: A little Sketch page for you. Just a few sketches from last week from the Liberal Arts classes I'm in.

Work Space: Pirates in process

I thought I would take a snapshot in case anyone wondered what my "studio space" looked like. I know I always love seeing where others work. If you take a closer look that is the Pirate book cover in the works it's coming together nicely I have already done a bit more since the photo was taken. This thing should be finished and posted this evening or tomorrow.

For the record, I need to buy an easel... my printers aren't cutting it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mars Fungi Attack: In Color

This is just another sketch that I finally scanned and decided to try and spice it up a bit.

Sketchbook Dump & Project Update

Here is a little update of my Current project in Paynes Class the Blackbeard Book cover. This is just the value study but the painting is currently in the works.