Thursday, April 21, 2011

The TaTa Gala: Photos

Ok, so I may have totally forgotten to share with everyone some pics taken from the opening evening of the TaTa Gala in Soho. It was a fun event and happened to be the first gallery I have ever showen in and for that matter the first gallery I had gone to since moving to NY. I can't wait to participate again next year!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Alright guys! This is the first project to live with a client since my job started in January. Link and screen caps below show a t-shirt building site based off of a questionnaire you answer online. I got to design a lot of the little icons that pop up with each answer, so take a look and enjoy! You can fill out the answers and post your icons on your facebook page. I just ordered my own shirt! If you don't like which icon pops up for your answer, just click back on the last question and re-click your answer to get a different icon. This has been a really great project to get to work on so soon after arriving at Yard, and they are wonderful clients to work with. It's very exciting to see it up and ready to go.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Little Band Action

These are some t-shirt designs I did for some friends back home In NKY. The Yugos is a work in progress. I'm Not thinkin the 3D feeling to the hanging letters says "indee band shirt". But I'm still messing with it. Check them Both out below.



Wine, Women & Advertising

Don't let this header miss lead you. I have been completing an internship with a really great advertising agency in New York called YARD. And although I love my job there it sadly is not to much like MAD MEN. I mean how could it, the number of sexual harassment law suits alone... No company could withstand such a record. So, in sharing this information, I apologize for the lack of posts. It has been a wild ride the past few months with the new job, moving to the city and a freelance gig here and there. BUT I vow to show the blog a little more love. Even if its reposting some of the stellar design and illustration work I am always finding during the week.

Shots of the new apartment from the MOVE: